The Lion's Gate Activates Your Heart

It is time to 


A time to be REAL

& re-Align with a greater Vision

for Self & All.

The quatrain of LIFE reveals a great secret!

The Higher Veil swings wide-open.

Revealed from behind the twinkle of a Star,

a reEmergence and reBirth

a Promise

from the Great Sky!


Have you heard of the Lion's Gate?

At the beginning of Leo season, there is a frenzy of new-agers hyping about a portal that awakens and shifts.

There is validity...

The ancient Egyptian revered this time as a sacred window that bestowed blessings of Abundance and Divine Wisdom. 


as the Sun moves through Cancer,

the Fixed Star Sirius

is hidden by the Light of our Sun.

When the Sun moves into


Sirius once more is revealed,

Her Light Shines

upon Earth

Blessing Earth 

once more with her

Loving Light.

The Egyptians revered Sirius

as the Goddess Isis.

The Great Mother.

She bestowed blessings of Abundance 

with the flooding of the Nile.

Great Wealth was Earned,

as well as Great Spiritual Abundance.

Earth, Sirius, and the Sun

come into a Cosmic Alignment

creating a convergence of energy and Light.

A message,

a sonic vibration

which uplifts, inspires, and blesses the Spiritual Self within!

The Star Gate,

the Lion's Portal

peaks on 8/8.

Numerologically “88” reveals a significant

energetic alignment

reconnecting You to the Infinite Self,

the Infinite Soul,

the Infinite Journey of the Soul,

the Infinite Conscious part of your Soul that lives infinitely on.


For over a couple of decades I have experienced significant Spiritual phenomena during the Lion's Gate.

Each year I look forward to this gateway,

As an opportunity to welcome in a rebirth of Life and Abundance.

I always seem to notice energetic shifts and "portals" in my meditation, and dreamtime. profoundly riddled with sensation and symbolism. 

Normally, I would lead a group guided meditation on 8/8

This year, I gift to you a channeled meditation and transmission.

Enjoy this gift during the portal to open you to the profound energetic gifts showering down on the planet from Sirius.


So, what is Lion's Gate? 

It is important to understand the three forces at play:

 Earth, Sun, and the fixed star Sirius.

Which creates a divine alignment with the Galactic Center,

The Ancient Egyptians knew of this significant Star Portal.

They built the Pyramids to align with this Sacred Geometry,

the Sphinx to face the Star of Isis, Sirius as she rises in the Sky.

During this time Her Light is powerful,

Activating within You the Sacredness of the Divine Feminine.

This activation upgrades your 3D DNA by spiraling the Star Energy

Through your system.

You may feel…

Energetic shifts,

Sensitivities to Light, Sound, Smell, and Life.

Your dreams may be even more active and vivid.

Visitations from Angels and Spirit Guides will be amplified.

Connection with Source and Mother Isis.

In Love,